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Moving Home? Make Sure You’re Prepared.

The key to a stress free (almost) home move is organisation. Not all of us enjoy thorough planning, many love the spontaneity of things and we can definitely appreciate the charm of impromptu decisions, however, careful planning will make your next home move smoother for everyone.

The key is to start planning as early as possible and stay organised—don’t make the mistake of putting off packing and tackling the to-do list until the last minute. As tempting as that may be, it will only add to your stress levels and take the excitement out of moving to your new home. Do a little every day and you’ll be ready to move with military precision before you know it.

Book a Removal Firm

The variation in removal firm costs can be huge, so do try to get as many quotes as you can. Also check each firm’s reviews and ensure they have sufficient insurance to cover the cost of any loss or damages.

Removal firms can get booked up pretty quickly, especially in today’s buoyant market and with the added summer rush. As soon as you have your moving date confirmed, book your chosen firm and start getting organised.

Order Packing Supplies

Many removal firms provide packing supplies for free or a small additional cost. Certain firms also provide packing services, which is a great option if you are short on time or simply do not want to do the packing yourself.

If you need to organise your own packing supplies, try your local supermarkets and convenience stores for used cardboard boxes that they are discarding. This will save you a lot of money. Alternatively, you can check Facebook marketplace, Gumtree and eBay for used packing boxes at a fraction of the cost of new ones.

When choosing packing supplies, be sure to select double-wall boxes. Single-wall boxes are too lightweight and will not be stable enough for your packing needs. You will also need a few rolls of heavy duty packing tape, newspapers or packing paper, bubble wrap, and a marker pen and/or labels to indicate what’s inside each box and what rooms they should be placed in by the movers.


When you begin the packing process, you’ll likely discover that you have far more ‘stuff’ than you actually need—things you’ve probably never used in years, from items of clothing to general household goods. Moving home is a great time to be ruthless with clutter and belongings you’d forgotten about.

Whatever you do, don’t make the mistake of avoiding the de-cluttering process with a view to dealing with it after you’ve moved. The more stuff you get rid of before the move, the less you have to pack, transport, unpack, and find space for in your new home!

If these unwanted items are in good condition, consider donating it to a local charity shop. You could even make some extra money to put toward to move by selling some of these belongings at a car boot sale or on Gumtree or eBay.

Steal Professional Movers’ Secrets

If you have ever seen professional movers at work you were probably impressed by their speed and efficiency. There is an art and a science The secret of professional movers is they work in pairs and tackle one room at a time. They keep all necessary supplies at hand: appropriate boxes, wrapping, scotch tape, permanent markers. Start packing around the room either in a clock or counterclockwise direction. Seal the boxes, write contents on it – you might think you’ll recognise that box, but you most probably won’t. When unloading, it will be easy to assign each box to the correct room, based on their content.

An important trick at this stage is to have various sized boxes for various contents – smaller boxes for heavy items like books, tall ones for clothes on hangers. It might seem like an unnecessary luxury, but your packing will be a lot easier with the right props.

Remember to pack a box of absolute essentials (kettle, tea bags, a few items of cutlery and basic food supplies) and put that in the car last, so it’s the first one to come out.

Update Utilities and Services

Contact all of your service and utility providers as early as possible to ensure everything is transferred to your new home in good time. This includes gas and electricity suppliers, phone and broadband providers, council tax, TV licence, home insurance, banks, and everyone else who requires your new address details. Mail redirection is also a good idea to make sure all of your important mail reaches you but make sure you do this in advance of moving.

Arranging broadband often takes longer than you may expect, so do try to get this organised as early as possible to avoid being without internet. On the day of your move, remember to take a note of the final meter readings in your old property and the current readings in your new home.

Clyde Property is a leading independent, multiple award winning estate and letting agent with 30 years’ experience in selling and letting property in Scotland. Just call your local Clyde Property branch today, for friendly, impartial advice on finding your next dream home.

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