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Edinburgh Market Update Q2 2021

The Edinburgh market continues to thrive and we have had a strong Spring market continuing through to the early summer months. Prices achieved are still at an all time high across most sectors of the market fuelled by a continued under supply but with high buying demand and confidence in the market. Garden space is still at an absolute premium now and couple that with space required for home working makes these two factors high on buyers priority lists. We are however, still faced with a tricky set of market conditions meaning that sellers are reluctant to go to market as they cannot identify their next home further fuelling the under supply and contributing to high prices being achieved.
To combat this we have launched our Personal Shopping Service to help buyers identify their next home so that they feel they are in a position to launch to market. This is headed up by Helen Kidd in our Edinburgh office who builds a relationship with our clients, remaining in regular contact with them until we help to find them something to buy and then launch their property to market. Whether Helen finds them one of our properties, something off market or even a property that another agent is selling this has proven to add value to our clients experience and the service provided is unrivalled.
Over the past few months, property prices have continued to rise across the board and more properties are reaching a competitive level, resulting in closing dates. The majority of properties are achieving offers in excess of valuation and some even as high as 15%! We have been selling successfully both locally and across Edinburgh and the demand for buying continues to grow. It has never been clearer that now is the time to sell! As the daily commute has now been removed for a huge proportion of buyers we are seeing young professionals and families moving further out of the city to more residential areas in the Lothians where they are able to get a detached house with additional bedrooms for office space and garden as opposed to a three bedroom flat in the city centre. With a constantly changing market and priorities shifting for buyers it is so important to get the best advice from us when starting your property journey.

The professional rental market which had slowed down in the first Quarter of the year has now significantly picked up again, with rental properties being snapped up quickly with multiple applications and a high demand. We have also welcomed many first time landlords to Clyde Property who have found themselves relocating due to work and have decided to keep their properties on as rental income.

Clyde Property is a leading independent, multiple award-winning estate and letting agent with more than 30 years’ experience in selling and letting property in Scotland. Just call your local Clyde Property branch today for friendly, impartial advice on finding your next dream home.

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