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Dates for Your Diary from Clyde Property Clarkston

At Clyde Property Clarkston we have some dates for your diary! We are holding an open day at Montford Park apartments on the 2nd June and the Carmunnock Highland Games takes place on the 27th May – an event not to be missed!

Montfort Park Apartments Open Day – 2nd June 2018

The Clyde Property Clarkston team are hosting an open day on Saturday the 2nd of June from 11am to 3pm at Montfort Park apartments, where we currently have two apartments remaining after successfully selling the rest of the development.

We are looking forward to welcoming anyone who wishes to come along and view this luxurious development.

Carmunnock Highland Games – 27th May

Carmunnock Village and surrounding East Renfrewshire locals are getting all things ready for the Carmunnock Highland Games which takes place on Sunday the 27th of May. Gates open at 11.30am in preparation for the games starting a 12.30pm.

This year they are thrilled to have Hafpor Julius Bjornnson, alias ‘THE MOUNTAIN’ from the hugely successful TV series Game of Thrones.  There’s something for all the family including refreshments, food, bar area with live music, local businesses and traditional bagpipes and dancers. There will be great entertainment for the kids including bouncy castles, fun rides, races, face paining and more. Tickets are £7 per adult and £4 per child & OAP’s and this day certainly is not to be missed.

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